Friday, June 27, 2008

Ok. This is it.

So, finally I'm venturing into blogdom. Seems a bit overdue, it's just that the urge hasn't been all that strong to make what I guess will develop into a "Me! Me! Me!"-thing. I'm already pretty good at that...

What to expect from me here? A lot of random stuff, I guess. And quite a bit of it contradictory of nature. Like the title of this blog. No, I don't live on the North Pole, not even north of the Arctic Circle (although it's not THAT far north of here). It has more to do with living smack on the boundary of what is considered the northern and southern parts of my country. Strictly speaking, I'm about 2 km south of that border, which means that there's hardly any "southern" left to go before everything is "northern". So now you know.

Like most Norwegians, it takes me a while to figure out where I left my manners. Hang on...*sounds of chairs and odd items being moved*...yep...finally found them underneath the dining table. So here's a big Hi! and Welcome! to whoever you are who've had the ....erm... honour of dropping by.

Just adding quickly that we Norwegians aren't generally rude - it just takes so long between every time we see someone we don't already know in this sparsely populated country, we've totally forgotten how to great people in a proper manner when new faces finally appear...

Right. At the moment, there's not all that much here (obviously, as this is the first post), but knowing me, there will be heaps of WORDS here within a short while. Some of it might even be readable. I hope. If I ever happen to write something you actually find interesting, please let me know. It won't happen again. Promise.

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