Saturday, June 28, 2008

So, where you from?

Just about the hardest question you can ask me. You may get two sorts of answers, depending on my mood. The slightly philosophical, yet "oh no, not again"-answers:

1. "Everywhere!"
2. "Right here!"
3. "Haven't got a clue!"

...but none of them do anything to make the matter any more clear. Then there's the encyclopedic approach:

1. "Now let's see. I was born in XXXX, then moved to YYYY, then ZZZZ, then WWWW, ...." (and so on and on and on and on....)

...which usually have people looking for a polite way of leaving my company by the time I've reached the 15th place I've lived and still am not done...

The list includes
2 farms (quite remote ones)
6 villages (200-1500 people)
1 hamlet with less than 15 people
2 towns
1 city
1 island with 13 people and 50 sheep
2 army camps

...and truth to tell, I have no roots in any of these places. I am from where I am right now. Period.

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